HTTP server
You can find all the code for this chapter here
You have been asked to create a web server where users can track how many games players have won.
GET /players/{name}
should return a number indicating the total number of winsPOST /players/{name}
should record a win for that name, incrementing for every subsequentPOST
We will follow the TDD approach, getting working software as quickly as we can and then making small iterative improvements until we have the solution. By taking this approach we
Keep the problem space small at any given time
Don't go down rabbit holes
If we ever get stuck/lost, doing a revert wouldn't lose loads of work.
Red, green, refactor
Throughout this book, we have emphasised the TDD process of write a test & watch it fail (red), write the minimal amount of code to make it work (green) and then refactor.
This discipline of writing the minimal amount of code is important in terms of the safety TDD gives you. You should be striving to get out of "red" as soon as you can.
Kent Beck describes it as:
Make the test work quickly, committing whatever sins necessary in process.
You can commit these sins because you will refactor afterwards backed by the safety of the tests.
What if you don't do this?
The more changes you make while in red, the more likely you are to add more problems, not covered by tests.
The idea is to be iteratively writing useful code with small steps, driven by tests so that you don't fall into a rabbit hole for hours.
Chicken and egg
How can we incrementally build this? We can't GET
a player without having stored something and it seems hard to know if POST
has worked without the GET
endpoint already existing.
This is where mocking shines.
will need aPlayerStore
thing to get scores for a player. This should be an interface so when we test we can create a simple stub to test our code without needing to have implemented any actual storage code.For
we can spy on its calls toPlayerStore
to make sure it stores players correctly. Our implementation of saving won't be coupled to retrieval.For having some working software quickly we can make a very simple in-memory implementation and then later we can create an implementation backed by whatever storage mechanism we prefer.
Write the test first
We can write a test and make it pass by returning a hard-coded value to get us started. Kent Beck refers this as "Faking it". Once we have a working test we can then write more tests to help us remove that constant.
By doing this very small step, we can make the important start of getting an overall project structure working correctly without having to worry too much about our application logic.
To create a web server in Go you will typically call ListenAndServe.
This will start a web server listening on a port, creating a goroutine for every request and running it against a Handler
A type implements the Handler interface by implementing the ServeHTTP
method which expects two arguments, the first is where we write our response and the second is the HTTP request that was sent to the server.
Let's create a file named server_test.go
and write a test for a function PlayerServer
that takes in those two arguments. The request sent in will be to get a player's score, which we expect to be "20"
In order to test our server, we will need a Request
to send in and we'll want to spy on what our handler writes to the ResponseWriter
We use
to create a request. The first argument is the request's method and the second is the request's path. Thenil
argument refers to the request's body, which we don't need to set in this
has a spy already made for us calledResponseRecorder
so we can use that. It has many helpful methods to inspect what has been written as a response.
Try to run the test
./server_test.go:13:2: undefined: PlayerServer
Write the minimal amount of code for the test to run and check the failing test output
The compiler is here to help, just listen to it.
Create a file named server.go
and define PlayerServer
Try again
Add the arguments to our function
The code now compiles and the test fails
Write enough code to make it pass
From the DI chapter, we touched on HTTP servers with a Greet
function. We learned that net/http's ResponseWriter
also implements io Writer
so we can use fmt.Fprint
to send strings as HTTP responses.
The test should now pass.
Complete the scaffolding
We want to wire this up into an application. This is important because
We'll have actual working software, we don't want to write tests for the sake of it, it's good to see the code in action.
As we refactor our code, it's likely we will change the structure of the program. We want to make sure this is reflected in our application too as part of the incremental approach.
Create a new main.go
file for our application and put this code in
So far all of our application code has been in one file, however, this isn't best practice for larger projects where you'll want to separate things into different files.
To run this, do go build
which will take all the .go
files in the directory and build you a program. You can then execute it with ./myprogram
Earlier we explored that the Handler
interface is what we need to implement in order to make a server. Typically we do that by creating a struct
and make it implement the interface by implementing its own ServeHTTP method. However the use-case for structs is for holding data but currently we have no state, so it doesn't feel right to be creating one.
HandlerFunc lets us avoid this.
The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary functions as HTTP handlers. If f is a function with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a Handler that calls f.
From the documentation, we see that type HandlerFunc
has already implemented the ServeHTTP
method. By type casting our PlayerServer
function with it, we have now implemented the required Handler
takes a port to listen on a Handler
. If there is a problem the web server will return an error, an example of that might be the port already being listened to. For that reason we wrap the call in log.Fatal
to log the error to the user.
What we're going to do now is write another test to force us into making a positive change to try and move away from the hard-coded value.
Write the test first
We'll add another subtest to our suite which tries to get the score of a different player, which will break our hard-coded approach.
You may have been thinking
Surely we need some kind of concept of storage to control which player gets what score. It's weird that the values seem so arbitrary in our tests.
Remember we are just trying to take as small as steps as reasonably possible, so we're just trying to break the constant for now.
Try to run the test
Write enough code to make it pass
This test has forced us to actually look at the request's URL and make a decision. So whilst in our heads, we may have been worrying about player stores and interfaces the next logical step actually seems to be about routing.
If we had started with the store code the amount of changes we'd have to do would be very large compared to this. This is a smaller step towards our final goal and was driven by tests.
We're resisting the temptation to use any routing libraries right now, just the smallest step to get our test passing.
returns the path of the request which we can then use strings.TrimPrefix
to trim away /players/
to get the requested player. It's not very robust but will do the trick for now.
We can simplify the PlayerServer
by separating out the score retrieval into a function
And we can DRY up some of the code in the tests by making some helpers
However, we still shouldn't be happy. It doesn't feel right that our server knows the scores.
Our refactoring has made it pretty clear what to do.
We moved the score calculation out of the main body of our handler into a function GetPlayerScore
. This feels like the right place to separate the concerns using interfaces.
Let's move our function we re-factored to be an interface instead
For our PlayerServer
to be able to use a PlayerStore
, it will need a reference to one. Now feels like the right time to change our architecture so that our PlayerServer
is now a struct
Finally, we will now implement the Handler
interface by adding a method to our new struct and putting in our existing handler code.
The only other change is we now call our store.GetPlayerScore
to get the score, rather than the local function we defined (which we can now delete).
Here is the full code listing of our server
Fix the issues
This was quite a few changes and we know our tests and application will no longer compile, but just relax and let the compiler work through it.
./main.go:9:58: type PlayerServer is not an expression
We need to change our tests to instead create a new instance of our PlayerServer
and then call its method ServeHTTP
Notice we're still not worrying about making stores just yet, we just want the compiler passing as soon as we can.
You should be in the habit of prioritising having code that compiles and then code that passes the tests.
By adding more functionality (like stub stores) whilst the code isn't compiling, we are opening ourselves up to potentially more compilation problems.
Now main.go
won't compile for the same reason.
Finally, everything is compiling but the tests are failing
This is because we have not passed in a PlayerStore
in our tests. We'll need to make a stub one up.
A map
is a quick and easy way of making a stub key/value store for our tests. Now let's create one of these stores for our tests and send it into our PlayerServer
Our tests now pass and are looking better. The intent behind our code is clearer now due to the introduction of the store. We're telling the reader that because we have this data in a PlayerStore
that when you use it with a PlayerServer
you should get the following responses.
Run the application
Now our tests are passing the last thing we need to do to complete this refactor is to check if our application is working. The program should start up but you'll get a horrible response if you try and hit the server at http://localhost:5000/players/Pepper
The reason for this is that we have not passed in a PlayerStore
We'll need to make an implementation of one, but that's difficult right now as we're not storing any meaningful data so it'll have to be hard-coded for the time being.
If you run go build
again and hit the same URL you should get "123"
. Not great, but until we store data that's the best we can do. It also didn't feel great that our main application was starting up but not actually working. We had to manually test to see the problem.
We have a few options as to what to do next
Handle the scenario where the player doesn't exist
Handle the
POST /players/{name}
Whilst the POST
scenario gets us closer to the "happy path", I feel it'll be easier to tackle the missing player scenario first as we're in that context already. We'll get to the rest later.
Write the test first
Add a missing player scenario to our existing suite
Try to run the test
Write enough code to make it pass
Sometimes I heavily roll my eyes when TDD advocates say "make sure you just write the minimal amount of code to make it pass" as it can feel very pedantic.
But this scenario illustrates the example well. I have done the bare minimum (knowing it is not correct), which is write a StatusNotFound
on all responses but all our tests are passing!
By doing the bare minimum to make the tests pass it can highlight gaps in your tests. In our case, we are not asserting that we should be getting a StatusOK
when players do exist in the store.
Update the other two tests to assert on the status and fix the code.
Here are the new tests
We're checking the status in all our tests now so I made a helper assertStatus
to facilitate that.
Now our first two tests fail because of the 404 instead of 200, so we can fix PlayerServer
to only return not found if the score is 0.
Storing scores
Now that we can retrieve scores from a store it now makes sense to be able to store new scores.
Write the test first
For a start let's just check we get the correct status code if we hit the particular route with POST. This lets us drive out the functionality of accepting a different kind of request and handling it differently to GET /players/{name}
. Once this works we can then start asserting on our handler's interaction with the store.
Try to run the test
Write enough code to make it pass
Remember we are deliberately committing sins, so an if
statement based on the request's method will do the trick.
The handler is looking a bit muddled now. Let's break the code up to make it easier to follow and isolate the different functionality into new functions.
This makes the routing aspect of ServeHTTP
a bit clearer and means our next iterations on storing can just be inside processWin
Next, we want to check that when we do our POST /players/{name}
that our PlayerStore
is told to record the win.
Write the test first
We can accomplish this by extending our StubPlayerStore
with a new RecordWin
method and then spy on its invocations.
Now extend our test to check the number of invocations for a start
Try to run the test
Write the minimal amount of code for the test to run and check the failing test output
We need to update our code where we create a StubPlayerStore
as we've added a new field
Write enough code to make it pass
As we're only asserting the number of calls rather than the specific values it makes our initial iteration a little smaller.
We need to update PlayerServer
's idea of what a PlayerStore
is by changing the interface if we're going to be able to call RecordWin
By doing this main
no longer compiles
The compiler tells us what's wrong. Let's update InMemoryPlayerStore
to have that method.
Try and run the tests and we should be back to compiling code - but the test is still failing.
Now that PlayerStore
has RecordWin
we can call it within our PlayerServer
Run the tests and it should be passing! Obviously "Bob"
isn't exactly what we want to send to RecordWin
, so let's further refine the test.
Write the test first
Now that we know there is one element in our winCalls
slice we can safely reference the first one and check it is equal to player
Try to run the test
Write enough code to make it pass
We changed processWin
to take http.Request
so we can look at the URL to extract the player's name. Once we have that we can call our store
with the correct value to make the test pass.
We can DRY up this code a bit as we're extracting the player name the same way in two places
Even though our tests are passing we don't really have working software. If you try and run main
and use the software as intended it doesn't work because we haven't got round to implementing PlayerStore
correctly. This is fine though; by focusing on our handler we have identified the interface that we need, rather than trying to design it up-front.
We could start writing some tests around our InMemoryPlayerStore
but it's only here temporarily until we implement a more robust way of persisting player scores (i.e. a database).
What we'll do for now is write an integration test between our PlayerServer
and InMemoryPlayerStore
to finish off the functionality. This will let us get to our goal of being confident our application is working, without having to directly test InMemoryPlayerStore
. Not only that, but when we get around to implementing PlayerStore
with a database, we can test that implementation with the same integration test.
Integration tests
Integration tests can be useful for testing that larger areas of your system work but you must bear in mind:
They are harder to write
When they fail, it can be difficult to know why (usually it's a bug within a component of the integration test) and so can be harder to fix
They are sometimes slower to run (as they often are used with "real" components, like a database)
For that reason, it is recommended that you research The Test Pyramid.
Write the test first
In the interest of brevity, I am going to show you the final refactored integration test.
We are creating our two components we are trying to integrate with:
.We then fire off 3 requests to record 3 wins for
. We're not too concerned about the status codes in this test as it's not relevant to whether they are integrating well.The next response we do care about (so we store a variable
) because we are going to try and get theplayer
's score.
Try to run the test
Write enough code to make it pass
I am going to take some liberties here and write more code than you may be comfortable with without writing a test.
This is allowed! We still have a test checking things should be working correctly but it is not around the specific unit we're working with (InMemoryPlayerStore
If I were to get stuck in this scenario, I would revert my changes back to the failing test and then write more specific unit tests around InMemoryPlayerStore
to help me drive out a solution.
We need to store the data so I've added a
to theInMemoryPlayerStore
structFor convenience I've made
to initialise the store, and updated the integration test to use it:The rest of the code is just wrapping around the
The integration test passes, now we just need to change main
to use NewInMemoryPlayerStore()
Build it, run it and then use curl
to test it out.
Run this a few times, change the player names if you like
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/players/Pepper
Check scores with
curl http://localhost:5000/players/Pepper
Great! You've made a REST-ish service. To take this forward you'd want to pick a data store to persist the scores longer than the length of time the program runs.
Pick a store (Bolt? Mongo? Postgres? File system?)
TDD the functionality so you're sure it works
Plug it into the integration test, check it's still ok
Finally plug it into
We are almost there! Lets take some effort to prevent concurrency errors like these
By adding mutexes, we enforce concurrency safety especially for the counter in our RecordWin
function. Read more about mutexes in the sync chapter.
Wrapping up
Implement this interface to create web servers
to turn ordinary functions intohttp.Handler
to pass in as aResponseWriter
to let you spy on the responses your handler sendsUse
to construct the requests you expect to come in to your system
Interfaces, Mocking and DI
Lets you iteratively build the system up in smaller chunks
Allows you to develop a handler that needs a storage without needing actual storage
TDD to drive out the interfaces you need
Commit sins, then refactor (and then commit to source control)
You need to treat having failing compilation or failing tests as a red situation that you need to get out of as soon as you can.
Write just the necessary code to get there. Then refactor and make the code nice.
By trying to do too many changes whilst the code isn't compiling or the tests are failing puts you at risk of compounding the problems.
Sticking to this approach forces you to write small tests, which means small changes, which helps keep working on complex systems manageable.
Last updated
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